To those searching for a Great Dane....
Zara is now 8 months old and has been an amazing addition to our lives. We already had 3 dogs ( 2 chihuahuas and a golden lab cross) and decided that we wanted another large dog. We searched and researched extensively between the Bull Mastiff's and Great Danes. Our searches finally led us to Cornerstone. We feel that the care in choosing their breeders has lead to a very fine lineage of Dane. We found numerous reports and comments on how many of the other Danes ( Harlequins, Brindles and Fawns) had numerous and serious health issues, whereas the Blacks and Blues had lower health issues.
Zara is highly intelligent, a quick learner and a true problem solver. She has taken on a strong role as protector and understands that the house is our castle and she is very diligent on keeping it that way. However, I believe that the chihuahuas have trained her to be that way for their own self serving interests. Whenever we take her out for walks she is the star attraction and everyone wants to meet her which is great training for her too. These dogs have great character and are a joy to own. And her new little brother Bolt thinks she is the coolest thing in the world and loves to play with her.
We have put Zara and the others on a pure raw food diet of ground lean beef, tripe, chicken and turkey. We even dehydrate pork and beef strips for their treats. In addition to the mea,t they get a healthy dose of fruits as well. The dogs seem to especially enjoy mango and pear. Our Vet is extremely impressed how healthy they all are and the older lab (10 years old) seemed to have gotten younger and she has lost some unnecessary weight too. But again I'd like to say that the care we found that Cornestone has taken in breeding their puppies is what has made Zara a great pet.
Ernie & Shannon
Vancouver, B.C.